We have a full, free SHSAT practice test for you to take. Just like the real test, you can answer the questions in each section in any order.
In order to take the practice test, you will need to be a member. A free membership will give you access to the test and assessment, and a Test Prep+ membership will give you access the other practice tests and all of the lessons.
Good luck!
FREE Online SHSAT Practice Test
Take a full-length SHSAT with a detailed assessment. Learn the exact subjects you need to work on to maximize your score.
To access the free practice tests, you must. Creating an account will allow us to save your progress and provide you with detailed reporting.
Diagnostic Test with Assessment
After you finish the practice SHSAT, you will be able to view your score and identify your weaknesses. We break down the SHSAT questions into very specific categories to best analyze strengths and weaknesses. Detailed feedback allows users to focus their studying efforts more effectively.
FREE SHSAT Practice Test on Staten Island
Are you on Staten Island or nearby? Give our office a call and we will schedule a free, proctored SHSAT assessment test. The test will be a full-length, 3-hour test, just like the real thing.
There is no obligation to sign up for tutoring or class afterwards. The test just serves as a tool to help you or your child see where stands.
Give us a call: (917) 722-0677
Additional SHSAT Resources
SHSAT Score Calculator
Online SHSAT Prep
How to Pass the SHSAT
SHSAT Class on Staten Island