Scoring on the SHSAT can be confusing because cut-off scores are given as scaled scores. Many students don’t know where they stand after taking a practice test, so we made an SHSAT Score Calculator to help you out.

Simply enter the number of correct answers you got on the English section and the number of correct answers you got on the math section, and we’ll give you your estimated scaled score for each section and your total score.

Enter your number of correct ELA questions

Enter your number of correct Math questions

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SHSAT Scoring Table

The table below should be used to estimate scaled scores of each section on practice tests.

Each section of the SHSAT has 57 questions. Use the scoring table below to estimate your scaled score for each section, then add the two scores together to get your total score.

Note: On the actual test, 10 out of the 57 questions in each section are field questions (they do not count). Therefore, the actual scaling should be based on 47 questions. However, for students and parents preparing for the SHSAT, a scaled score based on 47 questions is useless since students will give their best shot on all 57 questions, and we do not know which 10 questions to ignore.


Number Correct Estimated Scaled Score
0 0
1 16
2 26
3 37
4 51
5 65
6 74
7 83
8 90
9 98
10 105
11 130
12 134
13 141
14 146
15 152
16 158
17 163
18 168
19 172
20 177
21 181
22 186
23 190
24 194
25 201
26 204
27 208
28 211
29 215
30 218
31 222
32 226
33 229
34 233
35 236
36 240
37 243
38 247
39 250
40 254
41 257
42 261
43 266
44 266
45 270
46 274
47 279
48 285
49 291
50 297
51 306
52 315
53 323
54 333
55 344
56 355
57 365

Additional SHSAT Resources

SHSAT: Everything You Need to Know About the Test
9th Grade SHSAT
SHSAT Class on Staten Island
Online SHSAT Tutoring
Preparing for the SHSAT and TACHS at the Same Time