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Tips for Using Your TI-83 Graphing Calculator on the SAT

If you’re planning to use a TI-83 calculator on the SAT, it’s important to have a good understanding of how to use it effectively. It can go a long way toward increasing your SAT math score. Here are 10 skills you should master to score as high as possible on the test:

  1. Basic operations: Make sure you know how to use the calculator to perform basic math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  2. Order of operations: Understand the order of operations (PEMDAS) and how to use the calculator to correctly solve equations.
  3. Scientific notation: Know how to use the calculator to work with numbers in scientific notation.
  4. Trigonometry: Know how to use the calculator to solve trigonometry problems, including finding angles and sides of right triangles.
  5. Graphing: Know how to use the calculator to graph equations and understand the basic features of the graph screen.
  6. Using tables: Know how to use the calculator to create and interpret tables of values.
  7. Complex numbers: Know how to use the calculator to work with complex numbers, including adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them.
  8. Solving equations: Know how to use the calculator to solve equations, including linear, quadratic, and higher-order equations.
  9. Statistical functions: Know how to use the calculator to perform basic statistical functions such as finding the mean, median, and standard deviation.
  10. Memory functions: Know how to use the calculator’s memory functions to store and recall numbers and equations.

By mastering these skills and becoming proficient with your TI-83 calculator, you can increase your chances of doing well on the SAT. Good luck!

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