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Strategies for Acing the SHSAT Revising/Editing Section

The SHSAT exam is a critical test for students seeking admission to one of New York City’s specialized high schools. The Revising/Editing section of the English Language Arts portion of the exam tests a student’s ability to recognize and correct errors in written text.

Students who are well-prepared for the SHSAT Revising/Editing section will have a distinct advantage over those not. This article will explore strategies for answering the questions in this exam section. By following these tips, students can improve their chances of success and increase their confidence when taking the SHSAT.

Understanding the SHSAT Revising/Editing Section

Overview of the Revising/Editing Section

The Revising/Editing section of the SHSAT is designed to test a student’s ability to recognize and correct errors in written English. The section is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. In Part A, students are asked to recognize and correct errors in sentences and short paragraphs to follow standard written English conventions. In Part B, students are asked to revise and edit longer text passages, such as essays, to improve their clarity, organization, and coherence.

Types of Questions in the Revising/Editing Section

Students may encounter several types of questions in the Revising/Editing section of the SHSAT. Some of these include:

  • Sentence Correction: Students are asked to identify and correct sentence errors, such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and verb tense.
  • Punctuation: Students are asked to identify and correct errors in punctuation, such as comma splices, run-on sentences, and misplaced modifiers.
  • Word Choice: Students are asked to identify and correct word-choice errors, such as commonly confused words like affect/effect and their/there/they’re.
  • Organization and Clarity: Students are asked to revise and edit longer text passages to improve their organization, clarity, and coherence.

It is essential for students to be familiar with these different types of questions and to practice recognizing and correcting errors in each of these areas. By doing so, they can improve their performance in the Revising/Editing section of the SHSAT and increase their chances of gaining admission to one of the specialized high schools in New York City.

Strategies for Acing the Revising/Editing Section

Read the Passage Carefully

One of the most critical strategies for acing the revising/editing section of the SHSAT is to read the passage carefully. Take your time to understand what the passage is about and what the author is trying to convey. Paying attention to the passage’s tone and the author’s perspective is also essential.

Identify the Main Idea and Purpose of the Passage

Once you have read the passage carefully, it is vital to identify its central idea and purpose. This will help you understand the context of the sentences and identify any errors in grammar or punctuation.

Pay Attention to the Context of the Sentences

When answering revising/editing questions, paying attention to the context of the sentences is essential. This means you should consider the sentences before and after the one in question to determine whether it is grammatically correct.

Use Your Grammar and Vocabulary Skills

Using your grammar and vocabulary skills is crucial to acing the revising/editing section. Make sure you understand grammar rules well and can identify common errors such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, and punctuation errors. Additionally, having a strong vocabulary will help you understand the meaning of words and phrases in the passage.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Finally, practicing as much as possible is the key to acing the revising/editing section. Take practice tests and review your answers to identify areas needing improvement. By practicing regularly, you will become more familiar with the types of questions on the test and develop the skills required to answer them correctly.

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