1. After a counterclockwise rotation about point X, scalene triangle ABC maps onto \triangle RST, as shown in the diagram below.

Which statement must be true?

(1) \angle A \cong \angle R
(2) \angle A \cong \angle S
(3) \overline{CB} \cong \overline{TR}
(4) \overline{CA} \cong \overline{TS}

2. In the diagram below, \overline{AB} \| \overline{DEF}, \overline{AE}, and \overline{BD} at C, m\angle B = 43^{\circ}, and m\angle CEF = 152^{\circ}.

Which statement is true?

(1) m\angle D = 28^{\circ}
(2) m\angle A = 43^{\circ}
(3) m\angle ACD = 71^{\circ}
(4) m\angle BCE = 109^{\circ}

3. In the diagram below, line m is parallel to line n. Figure 2 is the image of Figure 1 after a reflection over line m. Figure 3 is the image of Figure 2 after a reflection over line n.

Which single transformation would carry Figure 1 onto Figure 3?

(1) a dilation
(2) a rotation
(3) a reflection
(4) a translation

4. In the diagram below, \overline{AF} and \overline{DB} intersect at C, and \overline{AD} and \overline{FBE} are drawn such that m\angle D = 65^{\circ}, m\angle CBE = 115^{\circ}, DC = 7.2, AC = 9.6, and FC = 21.6.

What is the length of \overline{CB}?

(1) 3.2
(2) 4.8
(3) 16.2
(4) 19.2

5. Given square RSTV, where RS = 9 cm. If square RSTV is dilated by a scale factor of 3 about a given center, what is the perimeter, in centimeters, of the image of RSTV after the dilation?

(1) 12
(2) 27
(3) 36
(4) 108

6. In right triangle ABC, hypotenuse \overline{AB} has a length of 26 cm, and side \overline{BC} has a length of 17.6 cm. What is the measure of angle B, to the nearest degree?

(1) 48^{\circ}
(2) 47^{\circ}
(3) 43^{\circ}
(4) 34^{\circ}

7. The greenhouse pictured below can be modeled as a rectangular prism with a half-cylinder on top. The rectangular prism is 20 feet wide, 12 feet high, and 45 feet long. The half-cylinder has a diameter of 20 feet.

To the nearest cubic foot, what is the volume of the greenhouse?

(1) 17,869
(2) 24,937
(3) 39,074
(4) 67,349

8. In a right triangle, the acute angles have the relationship sin (2x + 4) = cos (46). What is the value of x?

(1) 20
(2) 21
(3) 24
(4) 25

9. In the diagram below, \overline{AB} \| \overline{DFC}, \overline{EDA} \| \overline{CBG}, and \overline{EFB} and \overline{AG} are drawn.

Which statement is always true?

(1) \triangle DEF \cong \triangle CBF
(2) \triangle BAG \cong \triangle BAE
(3) \triangle BAG \sim \triangle AEB
(4) \triangle DEF \sim \triangle AEB

10. The base of a pyramid is a rectangle with a width of 4.6 cm and a length of 9 cm. What is the height, in centimeters, of the pyramid if its volume is 82.8 cm^{3}?

(1) 6
(2) 2
(3) 9
(4) 18

11. In the diagram below of right triangle AED, \overline{BC} \| \overline{DE}.

Which statement is always true?

(1) \dfrac{AC}{BC} = \dfrac{DE}{AE}
(2) \dfrac{AC}{BC} = \dfrac{DE}{AE}
(3) \dfrac{AC}{CE} = \dfrac{BC}{DE}
(4) \dfrac{DE}{BC} = \dfrac{DB}{AB}

12. What is an equation of the line that passes through the point (6,8) and is perpendicular to a line with equation y = \dfrac{3}{2}x + 5?

(1) y - 8 = \dfrac{3}{2}(x - 6)
(2) y - 8 = -\dfrac{2}{3}(x - 6)
(3) y + 8 = \dfrac{3}{2}(x + 6)
(4) y + 8 = -\dfrac{2}{3}(x + 6)

13. The diagram below shows parallelogram ABCD with diagonals \overline{AC} and \overline{BD} intersecting at E.

What additional information is sufficient to prove that parallelogram ABCD is also a rhombus?

(1) \overline{BD} bisects \overline{AC}
(2) \overline{AB} is parallel to \overline{CD}
(3) \overline{AC} is congruent to \overline{BD}
(4) \overline{AC} is perpendicular to \overline{BD}

14. Directed line segment DE has endpoints D(-4,-2) and E(1,8). Point F divides \overline{DE} such that DF : DE is 2:3. What are the coordinates of F?

(1) (-3, 0)
(2) (-2, 2)
(3) (-1, 4)
(4) (2, 4)

15. Triangle DAN is graphed on the set of axes below. The vertices of \triangle DAN have coordinates D (-6, -1), A (6, 3), and N (-3, 10).

What is the area of \triangle DAN?

(1) 60
(2) 120
(3) 20\sqrt{13}
(4) 40\sqrt{13}

16. Triangle ABC, with vertices at A(0,0), B(3,5), and C(0,5), is graphed on the set of axes shown below.

Which figure is formed when \triangle ABC is rotated continuously about \overline{BC}?


17. In the diagram below of circle O, chords \overline{AB} and \overline{CD} intersect at E.

If m\widehat{AC} = 72^{\circ} and m\angle AEC = 58^{\circ}, how many degrees are in m\widehat{DB}?

(1) 108^{\circ}
(2) 65^{\circ}
(3) 44^{\circ}
(4) 14^{\circ}

18. In triangle SRK below, medians \overline{SC}, \overline{KE}, and \overline{RL} intersect at M.

Which statement must always be true?

(1) 3(MC) = SC
(2) MC = \dfrac{1}{3}(SM)
(3) RM = 2MC
(4) SM = KM

19. The regular polygon below is rotated about its center.

Which angle of rotation will carry the figure onto itself?

(1) 60^{\circ}
(2) 108^{\circ}
(3) 216^{\circ}
(4) 540^{\circ}

20. What is an equation of circle O shown in the graph below?

(1) x^{2} + 10x + y^{2} + 4y = -13
(2) x^{2} - 10x + y^{2} - 4y = -13
(3) x^{2} + 10x + y^{2} + 4y = -25
(4) x^{2} - 10x + y^{2} + 4y = -25

21. In the diagram below of \triangle PQR, \overline{ST} is drawn parallel to \overline{PR}, PS = 2, SQ = 5, and TR = 5.

What is the length of \overline{QR}?

(1) 7
(2) 2
(3) 12\dfrac{1}{2}
(4) 17\dfrac{1}{2}

22. The diagram below shows circle O with radii \overline{OA} and \overline{OB}. The measure of angle AOB is 120^{\circ}, and the length of a radius is 6 inches.

Which expression represents the length of arc AB, in inches?

(1) \dfrac{120}{360} (6\pi)
(2) 120 (6)
(3) \dfrac{1}{3} (36\pi)
(4) \dfrac{1}{3} (12\pi)

23. Line segment CD is the altitude drawn to hypotenuse \overline{EF} in right triangle ECF. If EC = 10 and EF = 24, then, to the nearest tenth, ED is

(1) 4.2
(2) 5.4
(3) 15.5
(4) 21.8

24. Line MN is dilated by a scale factor of 2 centered at the point (0, 6). If \overline{MN} is represented by y = -3x + 6, which equation can represent \overline{M'N'}, the image of \overline{MN}?

(1) y = -3x + 12
(2) y = -3x + 6
(3) y = -6x + 12
(4) y = -6x + 6