Welcome to Caddell Prep!

You are now part of a community of students from across the USA and 23 other countries who use our service to keep up with math in school and improve their grades.

This short video will give you an overview of how our platform works, so you can make the most of your effort.

If you want to explore on your own, go to My Profile.

Quick Overview

#1 "My Profile" Page

You can view a lot of your information from the “My Profile” page including:

  • Recent quizzes attempted and scores
  • Links to diagnostic tests
  • Overall performance
  • List of available test prep courses, including links to ones you have access to

#2 Assessments

After a diagnostic test, you will be able to view your assessment on the test.

What makes our assessment so powerful is that it not only tells you what percent your got correct for each topic, but how much room there is to improve on each topic.  This helps you prioritize which topic to study for.

You should focus on the topics with the most room to improve.

#3 Test Prep Courses

To access our test prep courses you can either sign up for an individual course or sign up for a Test Prep+ membership, which will give you access to all courses.

You can find more information about our courses here: https://caddellprep.com/online-test-prep/

#4 Online Tutoring

If you need any additional help, online tutoring is available. Your first session is half price.

More information is available here: https://caddellprep.com/live-online-tutoring/