Best Biology Colleges in North Dakota

The vast plains and serene landscapes of North Dakota are not just symbols of its natural beauty but are also reminiscent of its commitment to higher education, especially in the biological sciences. Often underrepresented in mainstream discussions, North Dakota is home to several commendable biology programs catering to students’ diverse interests. This article uncovers the best biology institutions in this Peace Garden State.

University of North Dakota

Information About Biology Programs

Located in Grand Forks, the University of North Dakota (UND) offers a comprehensive curriculum in biology. Students can delve into multiple research areas, from molecular biology to ecology, benefiting from modern labs and collaboration opportunities.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Annual costs hover around $21,000 for out-of-state students. Approximately 13,500 undergraduates are enrolled, with an SAT range of 970-1200.

North Dakota State University

Information About Biology Programs

Based in Fargo, North Dakota State University (NDSU) prides itself on its research-intensive biology programs. Students can access numerous research centers, offering hands-on experiences from the get-go.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Out-of-state students can expect an annual tuition of approximately $22,000. The university enrolls around 13,000 undergraduates, with SAT scores typically falling between 1000-1250.

University of Mary

Information About Biology Programs

Situated in Bismarck, the University of Mary’s biology program emphasizes the integration of ethical considerations with scientific studies. With a blend of theoretical and practical coursework, students are well-prepared for academic and professional pursuits.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

The annual tuition fee is around $19,000. With an undergraduate population of about 3,800, the typical SAT range for admissions is 980-1230.

Minot State University

Information About Biology Programs

Minot State’s biology program stands out for its student-centric approach. With smaller class sizes, students receive individual attention, fostering a deeper understanding of biological concepts.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Annual costs are roughly $17,000 for out-of-state students. The university sees an undergraduate enrollment of about 2,800, with an SAT range of 930-1160.

University of Jamestown

Information About Biology Programs

This liberal arts university in Jamestown offers a robust biology program that promotes a holistic understanding of the subject. Its curriculum is designed to prepare students for various careers, from research to healthcare.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Students face an annual fee of approximately $23,000. Around 1,100 undergraduates attend the institution, with SAT scores between 970 and 1220.

Valley City State University

Information About Biology Programs

Located in Valley City, this institution offers a unique biology program combining traditional coursework and modern pedagogical techniques. The emphasis here is on real-world application.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Out-of-state tuition stands at about $16,000 per annum. The university enrolls roughly 1,500 undergraduates, with an SAT range of 920-1140.

Dickinson State University

Information About Biology Programs

Dickinson State, located in the eponymous city of Dickinson, offers a biology program emphasizing both breadth and depth. Students are encouraged to engage in interdisciplinary studies.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

The annual tuition is around $12,000 for out-of-state students. The university’s undergraduate enrollment is about 1,400, with SAT scores typically ranging from 910 to 1130.

Mayville State University

Information About Biology Programs

Situated in Mayville, this university’s biology program is tailored for students seeking a foundational understanding of the subject. With state-of-the-art labs and dedicated faculty, students are in good hands.

Annual Cost, Enrollment, and SAT Range

Annual tuition fees are approximately $10,000 for out-of-state students. About 1,200 undergraduates attend the institution, with SAT scores between 890 and 1100.

Best Biology Colleges in Three Other States

Best Biology Colleges in South Dakota

With institutions like the University of South Dakota and South Dakota State University, South Dakota ensures students have access to top-tier biology programs.

Best Biology Colleges in Minnesota

From the University of Minnesota to Carleton College, the Land of 10,000 Lakes boasts numerous prestigious biology programs.

Best Biology Colleges in Montana

Montana State University and the University of Montana lead the way, offering students rigorous biology programs against the backdrop of Montana’s breathtaking landscapes.

How to Study with a Study Partner for the SAT

A study partner can be invaluable for SAT preparation. Choosing a partner with a similar or higher proficiency level is essential. Engage in active discussions, take turns teaching challenging concepts to each other, and simulate test-taking conditions for practice tests. Remember, two heads are often better than one, especially when navigating the intricacies of the SAT.

In conclusion, North Dakota, with its variety of esteemed institutions, ensures that students passionate about biology have ample avenues to explore and excel in the field. The state’s commitment to academic excellence is evident in the quality of its programs and the opportunities they present to students.