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School Day SAT: Overview and Benefits

The School Day SAT is an initiative designed to make it easier for high school students to take it. Instead of taking the test on a weekend, students take the test during a regular school day. This article will explore the history of the School Day SAT, its benefits, and any potential drawbacks.

History of the School Day SAT

The School Day SAT was first introduced in 2017 as an initiative of the College Board, which administers the SAT. The program aimed to make it easier for students to take the SAT by offering the test during a regular school day. The program was piloted in a few states and has since expanded to include schools nationwide.

Benefits of the School Day SAT

There are several benefits to the School Day SAT, both for students and schools. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased accessibility: By offering the SAT during a regular school day, more students have access to the test. This can be particularly beneficial for students needing transportation to a testing center or having other weekend scheduling conflicts.
  • Reduced stress: Taking the SAT during a regular school day can be less stressful for students than on the weekend. Students are already familiar with the school environment and may feel more comfortable and less anxious about taking the test in a familiar setting.
  • Improved preparation: Schools can incorporate SAT preparation into their curriculum because the School Day SAT is offered during a regular school day. This can help students better prepare for the test and improve their scores.
  • Lower costs: By providing the test during a regular school day, schools can reduce the costs associated with administering the test. This can be particularly beneficial for schools with limited budgets.

Potential Drawbacks of the School Day SAT

While the School Day SAT has many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks include:

  • Confusion: Some parents learn about the date for the School Day SAT and assume that it is the day their child has to take the SAT. The parents aren’t aware that there are many other dates throughout the school year their child can take the SAT.
  • Scheduling Issues: The date of the School Day SAT is typically in March or April. Depending on a student’s extracurricular activities, this might not be the ideal time to take the test since he may not have enough time to study.
  • Limited accommodations: Schools may not be able to offer the same accommodations for the School Day SAT as they can for weekend testing. This can disadvantage students who need special accommodations to take the test.
  • Pressure on schools: Offering the School Day SAT can pressure schools to provide the necessary resources and support for testing. This can be a challenge for schools with limited resources or staff.

Why the School Day SAT was Started

The College Board started the School Day SAT to increase accessibility to the test and to provide more opportunities for students to take the SAT. By offering the test during a regular school day, the College Board hoped to make it easier for students to take the test and reduce some barriers that may prevent students from taking it on the weekend.

Final Thoughts

The School Day SAT is an initiative designed to make it easier for high school students to take it. By offering the test during a regular school day, more students can access it, and schools can incorporate SAT preparation into their curriculum. While there are some potential drawbacks to the School Day SAT, the benefits of increased accessibility and reduced student stress make it a valuable option for many high schools. If you are a high school student interested in taking the SAT, talk to your school counselor or administrator to see if the School Day SAT is an option.

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