Table of Contents

Ratings of New Utrecht High School
Niche: 3.7/5 stars review
- #439 Best Public High Schools in New York
US News:
- #398 in New York High Schools
- #133 in New York City Public Schools High Schools
GreatSchools: 4/10 GreatSchools Rating
New Utrecht High School's Programs
- Medical Professions and Health Careers
- Academy of Legal Studies
- Academy of Hospitality and Tourism
- Academy of Art and Design
- Honors Academy
- Academy of Business and Technology
- D75 Inclusion Program
- Arabic
- Italian
- Mandarin
- Spanish
AP/College Now Courses
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP United States History
- AP Drawing
- AP Physics 1
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Biology
- AP Psychology
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Human Geography
- AP Statistics
- AP World History: Modern
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- AP Calculus BC
- AP U.S. Government and Politics
- AP Chemistry
Principal: Maureen Goldfarb
Assistant Principals:
- Alan Benzaquen
Number of Students: 3,541
District: 20
Contact New Utrecht High School
1601 80th St, Brooklyn, New York
Phone #:
(718) 232-2500
New Utrecht High School's Sports Teams
Boys' Sports
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Football
- Handball
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
Girls' Sports
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Flag Football
- Handball
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Volleyball
New Utrecht High School Clubs and Extracurriculars
- Anime/Manga Club
- Arista
- Asian Club/Show
- Band
- Chorus
- Dance Club
- Disc Jockey Club
- Fashion Show
- Glee Club
- International Show
- Model UN
- Newspaper Club
- One Catalyst Club
- Peer Mediation
- Poetry Club
- Science Olympiad
- Sustainability Club
- Student Organization
- WNUHS Radio
Recent New Utrecht High School News
CPC at New Utrecht High School
There is a new CPC program at New Utrecht High School. This program offers counseling, activities, and one-on-one support guidance!
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