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Summer Internship Program

For the third summer in a row here at Caddell Prep, we are lucky enough to be able to provide internships for students eager to gain some experience in a working environment. It is definitely a pleasure to have them here at our company and, of course, be able to see first hand how each intern adapts to a group setting and works cohesively as a team. Being present during their work hours truly made me realize that working together really boosts the confidence they have in their abilities. Also, communication is a major take-away from the whole internship, as the ability to communicate and interact with their peers is essential for success in their future endeavors. With the internship coming to a close within the next week I hope the interns will apply skills they learned here to real life situations. We enjoy providing the knowledge and familiarity with what they should expect in their forthcoming careers. With that said, we want to continue to offer this opportunity to students as long as we can.

In their words:

“I truly got to understand how businesses function, and saw the amount of hard work that is needed to keep them successful. My experience here really was amazing and I can say with certainty that what I learned this summer will definitely help prepare me for the future.” ­—Justin Vitellio

“While interning at Caddell Prep, I’ve enhanced my communication skills, as well as familiarized myself with an office environment. Mr. Caddell even introduced connections to new fields of study.” — Joeseph Lee

Being an intern at Caddell Prep has taught me a few things about the mystic art of working. Sure, I learned about LaTeX coding, using WordPress and a lot more about the Common Core than I’d have hoped to learn outside of school. But, those are things anyone can learn by themselves on their own time. What I did learn that I couldn’t have learned by myself was working with co-workers. Does this sound cheesy and generic? Yes, it does. However, working with a team during work is a much different experience than working with a team during school or while playing sports.” — Joseph Fasulo

“Through the times that I worked with my coworkers, I slowly came to realize the importance of group work. One person alone cannot always complete a task. It takes the strength of several people. This small part of my life, summer of 2016, is not only among the puzzle pieces that will complete my future, but also the time period where I learned the necessity of cooperation.” — Wenpei Liu

“Over the course of this job, I learned some basic programming that will no doubt help me in college, as well as working together with a team. This job was probably the best job I’ve had because everyone here was easy going, and working a computer job is calming in general.” — Serge Machadov

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