1. Which object is formed when right triangle RST shown below is rotated around leg \overline{RS}?

(1) a pyramid with a square base
(2) an isosceles triangle
(3) a right triangle
(4) a cone

2. The vertices of \triangle JKL have coordinates J (5, 1), K (-2, -3), and L (-4, 1). Under which transformation is the image \triangle J'K'L' not  congruent to \triangle JKL?

(1) a translation of two units to the right and two units down
(2) a counterclockwise rotation of 180 degrees around the origin
(3) a reflection over the x-axis
(4) a dilation with a scale factor of 2 and centered at the origin

3. The center of circle Q has coordinates (3, 2). If circle Q passes through R (7, 1), what is the length of its diameter?

(1) 50
(2) 25
(3) 10
(4) 5

4. In the diagram below, congruent figures 1, 2, and 3 are drawn.

Which sequence of transformations maps figure 1 onto figure 2 and then figure 2 onto figure 3?

(1) a reflection followed by a translation
(2) a rotation followed by a translation
(3) a translation followed by a reflection
(4) a translation followed by a rotation

5. As shown in the diagram below, the angle of elevation from a point on the ground to the top of the tree is 34^{\circ}.

If the point is 20 feet from the base of the tree, what is the height of the tree, to the nearest tenth of a foot?

(1) 29.7
(2) 16.6
(3) 13.5
(4) 11.2

6. Which figure can have the same cross section as a sphere?

7. A shipping container is in the shape of a right rectangular prism with a length of 12 feet, a width of 8.5 feet, and a height of 4 feet. The container is completely filled with contents that weigh, on average, 0.25 pound per cubic foot.
What is the weight, in pounds, of the contents in the container?

(1) 1,632
(2) 408
(3) 102
(4) 92

8. In the diagram of circle A shown below, chords \overline{CD} and \overline{EF} intersect at G, and chords \overline{CE} and \overline{FD} are drawn.

Which statement is not always true?

(1) \overline{CG} \cong \overline{FG}
(2) \angle CEG \cong \angle FDG
(3) \dfrac{CE}{EG} = \dfrac{FD}{DG}
(4) \triangle CEG \sim \triangle FDG

9. Which equation represents a line that is perpendicular to the line represented by 2x - y = 7?

(1) y = -\dfrac{1}{2}x + 6
(2) y = \dfrac{1}{2}x + 6
(3) y = -2x + 6
(4) y = 2x + 6

10. Which regular polygon has a minimum rotation of 45^{\circ} to carry the polygon onto itself?

(1) octagon
(2) decagon
(3) hexagon
(4) pentagon

11. In the diagram of \triangle ADC below, \overline{EB} \| \overline{DC} , AE = 9, ED = 5, and AB = 9.2.

What is the length of \overline{AC}, to the nearest tenth?

(1) 5.1
(2) 5.2
(3) 14.3
(4) 14.4

12. In scalene triangle ABC shown in the diagram below, m \angle C = 90^{\circ}.

Which equation is always true?

(1) sin A = sin B
(2) cos A = cos B
(3) cos A = sin C
(4) sin A = cos B

13. Quadrilateral ABCD has diagonals \overline{AC} and \overline{BD}. Which information is not sufficient to prove ABCD is a parallelogram?

(1) \overline{AC} and \overline{BD} bisect each other
(2) \overline{AB} \cong \overline{CD} and \overline{BC} \cong \overline{AD}
(3) \overline{AB} \cong \overline{CD} and \overline{AB} \| \overline{CD}
(4) \overline{AB} \cong \overline{CD} and \overline{BC} \| \overline{AD}

14. The equation of a circle is x^{2} + y^{2} + 6y = 7. What are the coordinates of the center and the length of the radius of the circle?

(1) center (0, 3) and radius 4
(2) center (0, -3) and radius 4
(3) center (0, 3) and radius 16
(4) center (0, -3) and radius 16

15. Triangles ABC and DEF are drawn below.

If AB = 9, BC = 15, DE = 6, EF = 10, and \angle B \cong \angle E, which statement is true?

(1) \angle CAB \cong \angle DEF
(2) \dfrac{AB}{CB} = \dfrac{FE}{DE}
(3) \triangle ABC \sim \triangle DEF
(4) \dfrac{AB}{DE} = \dfrac{FE}{CB}

15. If \triangle ABC is dilated by a scale factor of 3, which statement is true of the image \triangle A'B'C'?

(1) 3A'B' = AB
(2) B'C' = 3BC
(3) m\angle A' = 3(m\angle A)
(4) 3(m\angle C') = m\angle C

17. Steve drew line segments ABCD, EFG, BF, and CF as shown in the diagram below. Scalene \triangle BFC is formed.

Which statement will allow Steve to prove \overline{ABCD} \| \overline{EFG}?

(1) \angle CFG \cong \angle FCB
(2) \angle ABF \cong \angle BFC
(3) \angle EFB \cong \angle CFB
(4) \angle CBF \cong \angle GFC

18. In the diagram below, \overline{CD} is the image of \overline{AB} after a dilation of scale factor k with center E.

Which ratio is equal to the scale factor k of the dilation?

(1) \dfrac{EC}{EA}
(2) \dfrac{BA}{EA}
(3) \dfrac{EA}{BA}
(4) \dfrac{EA}{EC}

19. A gallon of paint will cover approximately 450 square feet. An artist wants to paint all the outside surfaces of a cube measuring 12 feet on each edge. What is the least number of gallons of paint he must buy to paint the cube?

(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4

20. In circle O shown below, diameter \overline{AC} is perpendicular to \overline{CD} at point C, and chords \overline{AB}, \overline{BC}, \overline{AE}, and \overline{CE} are drawn.

Which statement is not always true?

(1) \angle ACB \cong \angle BCD
(2) \angle ABC \cong \angle ACD
(3) \angle BAC \cong \angle DCB
(4) \angle CBA \cong \angle AEC

21. In the diagram below, \triangle ABC \sim \triangle DEC.

If AC = 12, DC = 7, DE = 5, and the perimeter of \triangle ABC is 30, what is the perimeter of \triangle DEC?

(1) 12.5
(2) 14.0
(3) 14.8
(4) 17.5

22. The line 3y = -2x + 8 is transformed by a dilation centered at the origin. Which linear equation could be its image?

(1) 2x + 3y = 5
(2) 2x - 3y = 5
(3) 3x + 2y = 5
(4) 3x - 2y = 5

23. A circle with a radius of 5 was divided into 24 congruent sectors. The sectors were then rearranged, as shown in the diagram below.

To the nearest integer, the value of x is

(1) 31
(2) 16
(3) 12
(4) 10

24. Which statement is sufficient evidence that \triangle DEF is congruent to \triangle ABC?

(1) AB = DE and BC = EF
(2) \angle D \cong \angle A, \angle B \cong \angle E, \angle C \cong \angle F
(3) There is a sequence of rigid motions that maps \overline{AB} onto \overline{DE}, \overline{BC} onto \overline{EF}, and \overline{AC} onto \overline{DF}
(4) There is a sequence of rigid motions that maps point A onto point D, \overline{AB} onto \overline{DE}, and \angle B onto \angle E.