DIRECTIONS: The first sentence of each paragraph is given. Order each group of 5 sentences to create the best paragraph. The correct order is well-organized, logical and grammatically correct. Each correctly ordered paragraph is worth double the value of a question in any other section of the test. No credit will be given for partially correct responses.

Entering the Answers: To answer the question, type the correct order into the text box below without spaces. The following are acceptable ways to input the answer:

1. The Rosetta Stone is a large black slab that was discovered by soldiers in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army in 1799. _Q. After Champollion’s full translation, the Rosetta Stone became the cornerstone of the modern understanding of ancient Egyptian literature and civilization.
_R. It is written in three distinct written languages (Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and ancient Greek) with a decree hypothesized to be issued at Memphis, Egypt on the behalf of the thirteen-year-old King Ptolemy V.
_S. As the first ancient Egyptian trilingual text recovered in modern times, the Rosetta Stone sparked global interest with its potential to decipher the previously undecipherable ancient language.
_T. However, it was not until 1822 when Jean-Francois Champollion began the transliteration of the Egyptian scripts.
_U. Linguists quickly got to work, and the first full translation of the Greek text appeared in 1803.

Question 1 of 3

2. Alan Turing was an English mathematician and computer scientist, best known for his work as cryptologist for Britain’s Government Code and Cypher School during World War II. _Q. The bombe allowed the Allies to successfully break the “unbreakable” code and was estimated to shorten the war in Europe by two to four years.
_R. Nonetheless, Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.
_S. Unfortunately, Turing was prosecuted in 1952 for acts unrelated to his work and died two years later.
_T. The Enigma utilized both a cipher and an overlaying encryption using rotor wheels to disguise the original text, and the German naval cryptanalysis team Hut 8, led by Turing, created the bombe machine in response, an electromechanical device that discovered the daily settings of the Enigma machines rotors.
_U. During the war, Turing was secretly employed at Bletchley Park, the hub of Great Britain’s best codebreakers, and played a key role in deciphering encrypted messages by the German Enigma machine.

Question 2 of 3

3. It is widely debated whether or not Simon Bolivar, a Venezuelan revolutionary, was the greatest leader of Latin America’s independence movement._Q. Moreover, Bolivar had succeeded in the one thing that no man before him had ever successfully achieved: he had united the large majority of South America under one union, known as “Gran Colombia.”
_R. Supporters argue that he was not only a competent general but also a charismatic politician who was responsible for the removal of the Spanish from northern South America and the formation of the early republics that filled the vacuum the Spanish had left.
_S. All in all, Bolivar is remembered as “The Liberator” and indisputably laid the foundation for democracy in a continent plagued by Spanish conquest and colonization.
_T. Furthermore, dissenters point out that Bolivar had temporarily declared himself a dictator, a hypocritical act for an individual who promoted liberty and freedom a few years earlier his hasty seizure of power.
_U. Conversely, critics contend that his united South America ultimately failed as his “Gran Colombia,” a federation that included modern-day Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, quickly disintegrated due to opposition from internal factions.

Question 3 of 3