In this video, we will be learning about the distributive property. After you finish this lesson, view all of our Pre-Algebra and Algebra lessons and practice problems.

Distributive Property

Examples of Distributive Property

Example 1


First, we have to distribute 5 inside the parenthesis

Now, we have


Then, we multiply


Lastly, we add the numbers


The answer is 55

Example 2


First, we have to distribute 3 to each of the terms inside the parenthesis

Now, we have

3(2x^{2}+4)= 3(2x^{2}) + 3(4)

Then, we multiply

3(2x^{2}) + 3(4)=6x^{2}+12

The answer is 6x^{2}+12

Video-Lesson Transcript

In this video, we will be learning about the Distributive Property.

We have a \big(b + c\big) = ab + ac

So a can be distributed in the Parenthesis (b + c).

Distributive Property

An example is 2 (3 + 4) = 2(3) + 2(4)

So let’s simplify 2 (7) = 6 + 8

So we have 14 = 14

This is the Distributive Property.

So why do we have to learn about it?

Because it is very useful especially in Algebra.

Let’s say we have 3 (x + 5)

We can’t add x + 5 since we don’t know what x is.

We should distribute 3 to get 3x + 15.

Now, that is Distributive Property.