In this video, we will be learning how to solve equations using order of operations.


Examples of Order of Operations

Example 1

28 \div 4+3^{2}

First, we will solve the number with exponent

28 \div 4+3^{2}= 28\div4+9

Then, we will divide 28 by 4

28\div4+9= 7+9

Now, we add the two numbers

7+9= 16

Therefore, the answer 16

Example 2


First, we subtract the numbers inside the parenthesis


Then, we multiply 3 and 2

Now, we add 12 and 6


Therefore, the answer 18

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Video-Lesson Transcript

In this video, we will be learning how to solve equations using the order of operations.

PEMDAS stands for:


Multiplication and division can be interchanged. Whichever of the two comes first.

Same is true for addition and subtraction.

Square root has the same order as the exponent.

While the absolute Value Bars have the same order as the parenthesis.

Order of Operations

Let me give you an example.

We have 3 \mid 5 + (-4)\mid

First, do the operation inside the absolute value bars first.

Some would think that it would be = 3 \mid 5 + 4 \mid

But it is not.

Let’s do 3 \mid 5 + (-4)\mid

Here, we should compute the \mid 5 + (-4) \mid first.

We will come up with \mid 1 \mid

So it will be 3 (1)

And the answer is 3

Notice that if we keep this = 3 \mid 5 + 4 \mid

The answer wouldn’t be the same.

Let’s move on to square roots.

We have \sqrt{49} + \sqrt{36}

We can’t just add these together.

We have to do the Exponent first.

So, it’s going to be 7 + 6

Add these and we’ll have 13

So there you have it.

Again, treat square root with the same order as exponent.

And absolute value bars with the same order as the parenthesis.